I really wish I were born in the 70's or 60's where the concept of a beautiful body ( at least in India) was curvy, healthy. At least I could peacefully have some bread toast every morning without worrying about the fact that "there's butter in it!!", yeah, so i go without the butter nowadays and stick to plain, good old bread. Okay, I'm perfect alright in "medical terms" but if you ask me to strip down to my undies even in front of girls, I'd run (you know, there's the puppy fat problem). O and how I wish to strut around proudly in a bikini someday, I was actually considering a tummy tuck later, but my bf said "no",he prefers me all natural. It's puzzling you know. Ah, jus don't call shakira hot (I already know that for a fact).
no wonder ur bf is a stupid person. He shud kno how strongly girls feel about their body. instead of appreciating wat he has, wats the need to go around wowin girls he wont get...i can understand ur mind. my gf is sensitive about her baby fat too :) but she knows how much i appreciate her. and i try not to say insensitive stuff like that. and come on shakira maybe hot, but i bet she is not as hot as the one i love. One is just a celeb. the other is someone u share everything with..how can the first even compare with the second
o he's not stupid...i love him all the same, n i know he loves me too n that it was more of a general observation...but yeah i guess gals are sensitive regardin it..