You turn the pages of your album and they suck you into the vortex of memories. Memories sweet, memories sad, memories sweet and sour. Each picture has its own story to tell. You sit there grinning blissfully at the pictures, weaving thoughts of your own, looking at pictures of near and dear ones, and then you 're looking at a picture of your own "little-self". And you start wondering, how fast you've grown up, outliving your care-free days and growing into this young-adult and your past just lives on in your memories right now.

Not just pictures, your memories live in your heart and mind, of moments spent with someone dear, moments of love, of friends and family. And some of those memories are your favourite, sweet and sour, which you often relive in your heart, smiling, crying, its like you feed on them and would never want to let go of them and are eager to weave new dreams into them.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. 
 ~From the television show The Wonder Years

9 Responses
    Hariharan Valady said...

    Beautifully written. We often sit with albums and get lost....

    Shasha said...

    ya true..often happens wit me..thanks 4 likin the post :)

    Misterio Vida said...

    awww...beautifully worded... yes when we sit alone and thinking about our sweet memories..thats some feeling... nostalgia... :) thanks for sharing...

    Shasha said...

    thanks for liking :) my pleasure..

    SuKupedia ™ :) :) said...

    ya so true gal.. photos and album I can just sit with them for hours :)

    Anonymous said...

    Photo albums take me where the future cannot....

    Shasha said...

    thanks suku and rhondha...keep reading! :)

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