
I just came across this unique book a few days back and it's awesome:). It's also been released as a movie.

summary:A language kept a secret for a thousand years forms the backdrop for an unforgettable novel of two Chinese women whose friendship and love sustains them through their lives.

This absorbing novel – with a storyline unlike anything Lisa See has written before – takes place in 19th century China when girls had their feet bound, then spent the rest of their lives in seclusion with only a single window from which to see.  Illiterate and isolated, they were not expected to think, be creative, or have emotions. But in one remote county, women developed their own secret code, nu shu – "women's writing" – the only gender-based written language to have been found in the world.  Some girls were paired as "old-sames" in emotional matches that lasted throughout their lives.  They painted letters on fans, embroidered messages on handkerchiefs, and composed stories, thereby reaching out of their windows to share their hopes, dreams, and accomplishments.

An old woman tells of her relationship with her "old-same," their arranged marriages, and the joys and tragedies of motherhood—until a terrible misunderstanding written on their secret fan threatens to tear them apart. With the detail and emotional resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha , Snow Flower and the Secret Fan delves into one of the most mysterious and treasured relationships of all time—female friendship.

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I live in a place infested with insects, not because the place is dirty but it’s just like a characteristic feature of our area, loads and loads of insects. You are relieved only during the winters; all of them kind of vanish. Right now, during the summers and through the rainy season, you’ll always find them decorating the walls of your room. And sometimes these nasty little creatures do bite while at other times you’ll see a pretty little moth under your tube light and just hope that the lizards don’t have it for dinner. The insects come and go with every season just like the seasons of our life, people come, people go and there are people who stay with you. But no one stays forever, there’s often a season when they just leave you and you’re left searching for reasons.

Life gives you no respite. It’s constantly breathing down on you, sometimes with worries, sometimes with challenges, sometimes with hope, sometimes with love, sometimes with sweet surprises, sometimes with joy. Living is a challenge, living is a pleasure and life has its own flavours, its own seasons.

The day you were born, your first day in kindergarten, your first friend, your so-many firsts and your parents were always there to see you through all those moments. But never did you expect that someday one of them would be gone all too early in your life and they wouldn’t even give you a reason why. No matter how much you pray, He’ll never give you back the one you’ve lost.

I’ve seen friends grow apart in various stages of my life, I miss them all but I know we’ll never gel as well as we used to when we were kids and so I’ll choose the distance between us over a renewed friendship. The sad part is I still do not know why we grew apart.

Sometimes such distances are needed while at other times they hurt, especially when you’re physically miles apart from someone you love and crave to be with. When you know that that someone is waiting for you too and you just wait for the seasons to pass until you finally meet.

It’s funny how I wait for the winters so my room’s rid of all these tiny insects and lizards, I can’t wish the same the same for my life, I can’t let people vanish.
The moth under the light


A spine-tingling ghost story illustrated with an unprecedented mix of staged photography and genuine Victorian-era photography, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is an unprecedented new kind of reading experience-perfect for adults, teens, and anyone who enjoys a good creepfest.

A mysterious island shrouded in fog. An abandoned orphanage crawling with spiders and rats. A locked trunk filled with crumbling 19th-century photographs and files. And one very curious teenager with a digital camera and plenty of free time on his hands.

These are the elements of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, a ground¬breaking crossover novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling, chilling reading experience.

As our story opens, a teenage boy known only as "J" finds himself stuck on a remote island off the coast of Wales while his architect-father works with local construction crews to develop a giant seaside resort. Bored, lonely, and armed with a digital camera, J sets off to explore the island, and he reports his findings in a series of letters to his long-distance girlfriend, M. (This island is so remote, it doesn't even have Internet or phone service.)

One of the few existing buildings on the island is Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As J explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that Miss Peregrine's children were more than just peculiar.

They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow-even though it seems impossible-they just might still be living there.

As J unravels the secrets of Miss Peregrine's Home, he learns that some secrets are not meant to be shared.
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Two families, one holiday villa – who’s sleeping with whom?

Chloe needs a holiday. She’s sick of making wedding dresses, her partner Philip has troubles at work, the whole family wants a break. Her wealthy friend Gerard has offered the loan of his luxury villa in Spain – perfect.

Hugh is not a happy man. His immaculate wife Amanda seems more interested in her new kitchen than in him, and he works so hard to pay for it, he barely has time for his children. Maybe he’ll have a chance to bond with them on holiday. His old friend Gerard has lent them a luxury villa in Spain – perfect.

Both families arrive at the villa and realize the awful truth – Gerard has double-booked. What no-one else realizes is that Chloe and Hugh have a history, and as tensions rise within the two families, old passions resurface. It seems that Gerard’s ‘accidental’ double booking may not be an accident after all.
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Yeah, that's pretty much the concept of a beautiful body nowadays. Ever heard anyone say " I wish you were healthier"-no, until n unless you're anorexic, no one would ask you so. O I agree that thin is usually healthy, but someone like me with puppy fat here and there wouldn't be considered so. And who knows you may jus land up being several sizes larger after marriage or maybe after you become a mom. So, when your bf jus says "shakira's hot", it does make you feel bad, coz ah, I'm not expecting my body to be like her's in the next 100 years. And then if you ask me to exercise, I literally don't have the time. Don't you dare call me lazy, I really don't have time.

I really wish I were born in the 70's or 60's  where the concept of a beautiful body ( at least in India) was curvy, healthy. At least I could peacefully have some bread toast every morning without worrying about the fact that "there's butter in it!!", yeah, so i go without the butter nowadays and stick to plain, good old bread. Okay, I'm perfect alright in "medical terms" but if you ask me to strip down to my undies even in front of girls, I'd run (you know, there's the puppy fat problem). O and how I wish to strut around proudly in a bikini someday, I was actually considering a tummy tuck later, but my bf said "no",he prefers me all natural. It's puzzling you know. Ah, jus don't call shakira hot (I already know that for a fact).

Liz and Jonathan Chambers were in trouble. Mortgage trouble. They'd stretched themselves to busting with their new exciting project - well, Liz thought it exciting - buying and managing the Silchester Tutorial College, and now couldn't sell their old house. Here they were, stuck with two mortgages, mounting debts and a miserable adolescent daughter who hadn't wanted to move anyway.Then Marcus Witherstone came into their lives - and at first it seemed he would solve all their problems. Marcus, senior partner in Silchester's leading estate agency, was large, assured, and wore an expensive overcoat. He knew the perfect tenants from London who would rent their old house - glamorous PR girl Ginny and almost-famous Piers. Everything was going to be OK.But soon Marcus found himself involved with Liz in a way he'd never intended. Keeping his adulterous trysts secret from Anthea was uncomfortably easy - most of the time her head was firmly buried in Improve your Child's IQ. Meanwhile, as Liz was lost in blissful dreams of Marcus, Jonathan was left to run the tutorial college. Neither of them had time to notice that teenage Alice was developing a desperate passion for the tenants, Piers and Ginny. Everyone seemed to be entangled with everyone else, in the most awkward possible way. And as events closed in on him, Marcus began to realise that some deceptions are just a bit too close to home.
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Back from our industrial visit. It was certainly a great experience and highly surprising to see all the theories we study in our commerce books being put to practical use. We went for a visit to a plywood factory and a cement factory. Both were highly educational but the cement factory was the most exciting. I mean I could never imagine so many processes are involved in the production of a block of strong concrete, wow! I wont go into details cause you need to really SEE this to feel what i feel at the moment.

But there's a thing which struck me as really odd in the cement factory. We entered the factory at about 4 p.m and left it at 5 p.m , I was expecting the factory would soon shut down for the day but was very surprised at the director's words,"its hard work. The factory is on 24/7. A lot of effort goes into the working of this factory. The labourers are our assets, they work for almost the entire day". ENTIRE DAY! This is totally inhuman. India is a poor country and so most of these labourers are highly poverty-stricken. As far as my knowledge of wage rate in India is concerned, it's a bare minimum, it's jus enough to have three meals a day and a shelter in some remote area. Moreover, its HEAVY work in a cement factory, it's totally unacceptable that a man work for more than 8 hours a day in such tough conditions. The companies try to keep labour cost at the minimum, and labourers already being poor, agree to work for often less than sufficient wages. Even if the wages are sufficient, it's physically very demanding to work 365 days a year in such heavy-duty areas. The government should certainly look into the matter. It's inhuman! Moreover its high time the companies stopped starving such labourers only to increase their profit.

The mixture or masala is poured into mouls and set using machines

The sleepers are unloaded after being cut into pieces

The sleepers
Notice the cranes, used to load and unload the sleepers for transport

The sleepers are soaked in water for 15 days in these troughs, its a dry one now

A set up testing and showing the use of sleepers
This is my first post. As excited as i am now, all the brainstorming i'd done since the last few weeks seemed to have leaked out. I'm in need...HELP!! My first post and i'm out of ideas and so I stick to the true nature of my blog-" trickle prattle"- u'll hear me prattle only when the ideas trickle.

About me...I'm an Indian, a Chartered Accountancy student, an avid reader and like any other girl, i love make up, jewellery n stuff. So, I guess that's what u'll find in my blog, Books, Study stuff for CA students and Junk reviews on whatever product i like. I guess that's pretty much me. So long so far...

:X stay tuned..